A jacket for all seasons

A leather jacket appears on the list of must-haves for people who care about style. It looks good during cold days and can still be worn when the sun is up. The start of the rainy season makes leather jackets indispensable.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A leather jacket appears on the list of must-haves for people who care about style. It looks good during cold days and can still be worn when the sun is up. The start of the rainy season makes leather jackets indispensable. These jackets are unisex but there are a few alterations for each gender which buyers should look out for lest they end up with unwanted items. Ladies’ jackets are tapered at the bosom and at the waist to bring out their body shapes. Men’s jackets, on the other hand, are straight and don’t cling to the body tightly.Leather jackets can be worn as official wear and as casual wear. Official ones are plain-coloured without much embellishment and less ‘busy’ with patterns. For official wear, men have the option of a leather blazer. Casual jackets come with patterns, adornments, fancy trimming and at times in bright colours.When purchasing a leather jacket, the buyer should be keen on the authenticity as there are lots of fakes in the market. True leather feels soft and elastic and a close observer will notice small pores and uneven surface. Authentic leather jackets also have a peculiar smell – the smell of leather. Pricing would also be a good way to tell between real and fake leather.The buyer should also go for jackets that fit well – large jackets feel heavy, bulky and uncomfortable. The sleeves should not get past the wrist line and the length should be up to the belt line unless it is a coat.Another factor to consider when purchasing a leather jacket is the rest of one’s wardrobe. If most of your clothes are brightly coloured, a black one would be ideal, if they are in dull colours, a brown one is better.Leather jackets are easy to maintain as they do not require constant washing. A damp cloth can be used to wipe out dirt marks. Once in a while, it can be dropped at the drycleaner.A spot check around various shops in Kigali showed that secondhand stalls stock better quality and variety compared to boutiques. Prices range from Rwf10,000 to Rwf21,000 (for fancy designs).