How pints revealed who she really was

Have you ever been out having fun and you spot individuals acting like royals? But after a few drinks, their true character pops, making you wonder where the sophistication disappeared to.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Have you ever been out having fun and you spot individuals acting like royals? But after a few drinks, their true character pops, making you wonder where the sophistication disappeared to. Well I have, only this time I wasn’t watching the scenario, I was in it. I know at some point we are all guilty of raising standards and pretending to be what we are not just to impress the people around.Though I’ve known Toni for some time now, recently I was stunned when I watched booze strip away layer after layer of ‘class’, leaving her true self exposed! First she switched from wine to beer, and then suggested we relocate as she wasn’t comfortable in the current place. When we went to the shady looking pub she suggested, her manners also sunk down on the dirty floor. Here, she behaved like she was straight from the ghetto! All the fancy words and debonair were replaced by street slang.When I suggested that she lowers her voice, it was like I had opened Pandora’s Box! By this time her 1000 watt smile was long gone, escorted by her trademark composure. I could have easily sold my soul to be somewhere else.Looking at her laughing and dirty dancing with strangers, I couldn’t help but ask myself how many of us hide who we really are inside of what we want to be. I always thought this girl had some self respect! She made me believe she was different. Many people live a life of pretense because they are afraid of being judged for who they really are because they think their life sucks. So instead of facing reality and clawing their way into a better life, they decide to take the easy way out and lie themselves into a better existence. Some are so insecure that they think they have to lie to come across as interesting. They want to be accepted so bad that they will do anything. But the truth is, if a person cannot accept you for who you are or what you are then they are not worth your time. Forget about what other people think or say. If your favourite drink is a cheap beer, drink just that! If you seem to have more fun in local pubs, then shun the five stars. There’s nothing wrong with being you.