Shut up, no one needs to know!

I can’t concur more with the African proverb, “You can get someone out of the village but it takes a lot to get the village out of someone.” Why else would a seemingly sophisticated man brag to get noticed?  I would rather take on Syria’s woes than talk for even five minutes with a man so full of himself.

Thursday, September 05, 2013
Lillian Nakayima

I can’t concur more with the African proverb, "You can get someone out of the village but it takes a lot to get the village out of someone.” Why else would a seemingly sophisticated man brag to get noticed?  I would rather take on Syria’s woes than talk for even five minutes with a man so full of himself.Some men stop at nothing to impress women; they talk about what they do, who they know, how wealthy their families are and trucks of more rubbish.It’s okay to show off sometimes; I mean it’s only human to love attention, but when a man goes an extra mile to blabber every tiny detail about himself - in just an hour - run for dear life.I used to mistake a bragging man for one who knows what he wants in life until a car ride with a guy suffering from this annoying syndrome changed everything. This guy (not a stranger) offered me a ride home.After the official ‘how are you’, he took over the conversation for the entire 30 minute drive.  I got so bored that I started nodding my head just to show I was listening.He spoke highly of his football club (said other teams were losers and the fans daft). He described himself as an intelligent, charming, handsome young man. Apparently no girl can resist him. I only wish the goon knew what I thought! He went ahead to mention the schools he had gone to and how great their standards were. He said he had stayed abroad before, in about five countries and his dad was very wealthy before he passed on. The limit was telling me how good he is in bed - like I was planning on taking him there!When I finally got home, the fool was bold enough to suggest a date! Two things run through my mind; he was either insane for asking me out after telling me his ex-girl-friends did the chasing or he was just another attention seeker with low-self esteem. Success needs no public relations officer. Let people do their own research on who we are, not the other way round. Bragging is simply pathetic.Even if you are a rocket scientist, engineer, pilot, or an angel, that works to your benefit not mine. Zip your lips. I was told that men are the "not so talkative type.” Keep up!