Let him know your worth

It is quite annoying when a man who is or has been a good friend to you for a long time starts hitting on you. But considering that naturally, women are supposed to be reserved and shy and since time immemorial, incapable of making moves on a guy, we will excuse the male friends who know no boundaries. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

It is quite annoying when a man who is or has been a good friend to you for a long time starts hitting on you. But considering that naturally, women are supposed to be reserved and shy and since time immemorial, incapable of making moves on a guy, we will excuse the male friends who know no boundaries. 

Some shameless men these days have taken ‘role switching’ to another level and now drape themselves around women they think are financially attractive just to enjoy the benefits.

Men of this nature, shame on you… get a life! If you are not after a woman for honorable reasons, quit following her around. If you truly like her, style up and say what you have to say. And if you can’t, step aside and let those that are brave enough show you what ought to be done. 

Women need to draw boundaries; do not allow users and time wasters in your territory. They will only pull you down, taint your reputation and avoid you when they are done. 

A man who goes out with you for coffee more than twice but never says anything constructive is a time waster. A man who sits and enjoys all the gifts you shower him but can’t seem to do the same is a user. 

A man who will leave you on the streets at night and not care how you get home is not worth your time, energy or effort.  A man who forever whines about money, his job and God knows what else and never has time to care about what is going on in your life or at list pretend to be, is a big baby and needs a babysitter! You do not have any business going out with any of these fellows. Know your worth and wait for the one that will make you feel worthy!