Bebe Cool thrills at Uncle Austin’s album launch

Ugandan dancehall star Bebe Cool put up a good show for his Rwandan fans during Uncle Austin’s, Uteye ubusambo album launch that was held at Gikondo Expo grounds on Friday evening.The ‘Big Size’ singer, who along with Uncle Austin, were the main artistes impressed the few fans who showed up at the show which started at 9:00pm with Upcoming artistes Maureen Mbabazi and TNP, as curtain raisers before calling on other upcoming artistes.

Sunday, September 01, 2013
Uncle Austin takes to the stage with his queen dancers. All photos

Ugandan dancehall star Bebe Cool put up a good show for his Rwandan fans during Uncle Austin’s, Uteye ubusambo album launch that was held at Gikondo Expo grounds on Friday evening.The ‘Big Size’ singer, who along with Uncle Austin, were the main artistes impressed the few fans who showed up at the show which started at 9:00pm with Upcoming artistes Maureen Mbabazi and TNP, as curtain raisers before calling on other upcoming artistes.Hundreds of fans seemed rather bored as various upcoming artistes tried hard to impress. However performances from prominent musicians like Jay Polly, Riderman, TBB, Two 4 Real, and Ama G black, King James, Paccy and Knowles saved the day as crowds started to sing along and dance to their songs.At around 11:00pm Uncle Austin jumped on stage backed by the Sauti band and Sauti dancers ready to thrill his fans. Producer Davydenko was on the piano while MC Anita was on the turntables on the evening.However what was disappointing is that the nights host did not stay on stage for as long as his fans wanted.He performed only five songs and even did not sing his famous new hit, Uteye Ubusambo that he was launching but instead paved way for his guest artiste Bebe Cool to perform. Among the five songs he performed, Uracanga, Ndavugiriza, Reka nkongorere and Seven Days of Searching. Uncle Austin told The New Times that he could not perform all his songs as he had earlier planned because he run out of time. "The permission I had was up to Midnight. I could not continue to perform when there was a guest artiste who travelled all the way from Uganda to support me and then concert ends before he could perform,” he saidDoing what he does best Bebe Cool brought back to life what seemed to have been a disappointing evening for the audience.Wearing blue tight jeans with a green and blue checked shirt matched with green old school sneakers, the Ugandan super star received a standing ovation as he came on stage singing Big Size one of his hit songs. Ululations and excitement filled the tent where the launch was being held as the Bebe belted out his powerful hits which are popular with his Rwandan fans.The audience and local artistes alike cheered on the Gagamel boss as he did his thing. Among other songs, he did, Big Size, Kasepeki, Fire anthem, and Come to me. In total, he performed about 10 songs in short space of time.Jules Rutangana, one of the fans said Uncle Austin performed well but failing to sing the album cover song left many people disappointed, leaving Bebe Cool to steal the show-something that could have been avoided.Nevertheless, at 1am when the show ended, those who attended left satisfied that at least they were treated to good music, even though it was less than what they had expected.