I once was overweight, says Nshimiyimana

That Eric Nshimiyimana, the Amavubi national soccer team coach is a fit man is never in doubt. But then again, being fit and being healthy are two different things. So Healthy Times’ Collins Mwai went in search for tips from the horse’s mouth on how he keeps both.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

That Eric Nshimiyimana, the Amavubi national soccer team coach is a fit man is never in doubt. But then again, being fit and being healthy are two different things. So Healthy Times’ Collins Mwai went in search for tips from the horse’s mouth on how he keeps both. Do you exercise off the pitch?I am a regular at the gym, at least two-hours sessions twice a week. Though I don’t jog, I run on the tread mill which is just the same. Once in a while I also walk to keep fit when I don’t have much time to go to the gym. In the gym I do stretches, run on the treadmill and also lift weights. I also do self administered exercises like sit-ups and pushups every morning.You spend most of you time on the pitch, do you really need more exercise?I need exercise to mentally relax. Contrary to what most people assume, exercise is a good way to free you minds. In my line of work I have to be mentally fit, exercise helps me achieve that since it ensure sufficient blood flow to the brain. You seem keen on exercise, ever had weight problems?A little bit. I’m a former football player, the game helped keep me fit. My career as a player ended in 2004. When I quit playing football, I weighed 70 kilogrammes, which was I deal. Two years later, in 2006, I weighed 105 kilogrammes, which threatened my back because of my height. I was advised by a doctor to reduce my weight to around 80 kilogrammes or else I would have back problems. Since then I have been very keen on exercise.  Most people would want to know how you reduced weight.I purposed to do it. I scheduled my programme in a way that it allowed for  frequent exercise. I began going to the gym regularly. I also changed my diet. That is what most people don’t do; they exercise but still maintain the same diet that caused them to add weight. I ate less of fatty foods and red meat. I also ate lots of vegetables and fruits to nourish the body. Talking of food, how do you maintain an athletic figure with all the food around?My favourite meal is actually bugali and beans. I prefer vegetables and white meat like fish and chicken. White meat is lean and has less fat content. It is also easier for the body to process as it has fewer calories; it is the right meat for any one conscious about their weight. I also ensure that I have a balanced diet, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The food you eat may determine if you will develop a lifestyle disease, health professionals say that conditions like blood pressure, diabetes and even some cancers can be avoided through healthy eating. Rwandans are known to love their beer, where is you stand on this?I don’t drink. Drinking goes together with constant snacking and red meat, which is not good for me. But for people who drink, I would advise them, especially young people, to be moderate. With limits you will not put you health at risk. Your job certainly requires a lot of energy; do you take energy booster to rejuvenate?I don’t. Most of them have artificial ingredients and it is proven that they have no nutritional value in your body. Whenever I feel weary, I take water or a fruit. Energy drinks are also addictive, without them some people can’t perform. As for caffeine, it is wise to be moderate, I like coffee, too, but I am always cautious not to be dependent.  Doctors recommend regular medical check-up, do you follow the advice?Were it not for those regular health checkups, I would probably not be as fit as I am. It is through them that the doctor warned me of the trend of my weight and I changed in time. I would recommend regular check-ups to anybody who is conscious of their health and fitness, don’t wait till you are ill for you to go to hospital.As you said you line of work requires you to a good state of mind, how do you do it?I ensure I am relaxed. I get enough sleep so that I am at ease and alert. Fatigue affects ones health in ways we may not notice. It is important to get enough sleep otherwise fatigue will take a toll on you causing you to be less productive at work and distorting you feeding habits. You talk about exercising in the gym that may cause some people to shy away from exercise since they cannot afford membership. Keeping fit does not necessarily have to cost anything. There are very many self administered exercise that can change ones fitness. I know people who are very busy but keep fit by walking home in the evening instead of taking a taxi or a moto. A 30-minute walk at least twice a week is as good as a weekly workout session. Jogging also wouldn’t cost one a thing. Self-administered exercises such as pushups and sit-ups that most people take for granted can hugely impact on one’s health life. For anyone who wants to keep fit, I would advise them to take most things in moderation. Most foods we consume are healthy but the amounts with which we consume them make them unhealthy. I also recommend frequent exercises even if you don’t consider them to have an impact on you.