Where was the world when FDLR terrorists attacked Rwanda?

Editor,Those allied with the FDLR in the DRC, especially through their military and other forms of collaboration. Those who are reinforcing these terrorists’ capacity to continue to massacre innocent people both in Rwanda and in the DRC and to generally wreak havoc are themselves guilty of terrorism.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Editor,Those allied with the FDLR in the DRC, especially through their military and other forms of collaboration. Those who are reinforcing these terrorists’ capacity to continue to massacre innocent people both in Rwanda and in the DRC and to generally wreak havoc are themselves guilty of terrorism.It is surprising that those who never fail to lecture others on the need to cooperate in fighting the scourge of terrorism are deafeningly silent on these regular and indiscriminate acts of terror on Rwandan territory.How credible can they be when they do not condemn these acts or those, amongst them, including respected members of the UN, who actively abet them? How does the DRC Government get a free pass to incorporate the genocidal FDLR into its security forces and then provocatively deploy them on its borders with Rwanda?Mwene Kalinda, Kigali, RwandaReaction to the story, "FDLR coordinated July 26 grenade attack – suspects”, (The New Times, August 6)