African women judges decry patriarchy system

African women judges on Monday decried the patriarchy system for denying women the chance of being appointed as judges across the continent.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

African women judges on Monday decried the patriarchy system for denying women the chance of being appointed as judges across the continent.They urged African countries to work on the system especially when it comes to appointing judges in courts and other justice dispensing units.President of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) Eusebia Munuo said the current system doesn’t give room for more capable women to perform their duties in their respective areas.Munuo was addressing a two-day colloquium in Tanzania’s northern safari capital of Arusha, which involved African women judges who are meeting to exhaustively discuss the position of women in African legal perspective.Munuo said that there are no true commitments in different African countries of appointing women in organs established to dispense justice."Right now, there are many women who are capable of executing cases, but they are not given opportunities to exercise what they have,” she said, calling African nations to change the mindsets and give chances for women who can be judges."There is no fair play here. Our countries don’t provide equal opportunities despite the fact that we’re human beings. All these are contributed by the existence of patriarchy system,” she said.The forum has been organised by the International Commission for Jurists in collaboration with the Judiciary of Tanzania, IAWJ and Tanzania Women Judges Association (TWAJ). Participants are from Tanzania, Swaziland, South Africa, Lesotho, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Sierra Leon, Mozambique, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Botswana and Mauritius.