Stop lunacy in the guise of press freedom

Whereas the media plays a very important role in educating the masses on a many issues, some media houses have grossly abused their responsibility.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Whereas the media plays a very important role in educating the masses on a many issues, some media houses have grossly abused their responsibility.

They have played a divisive role, creating and promoting distrust between the state and the populace.

Professional ethics violation has generally characterized these careless writers claiming to be spokespersons of the masses whereas in real sense, as it looks, they are compradors in nature, seemingly serving foreign interests.

Let no stone be left unturned in a bid to install sanity in the minds of such people, other wise, they will continue mudslinging and character assassinating various personalities and misleading the readership in general.

What has been done cannot be undone, the more the so called critics continue to display their malicious propaganda, the more venom they will be feeding the masses in the name of informing them, hence creating a situation of uncertainty to the general population.

The elements should know that we are still on earth where perfection is not existent, unless they live in a utopian world.

After all, there is no reason as to why they cannot see many developmental activities that have surfaced moreover within such a short period of time.

The worst aspect is the fact that what such lunatics display, is taken as biblical truth by the masses, it is in this aspect that stringent measures should be put in place to deter any predicament that might result out of such misinformation of such magnitude.

If it may be reckoned, media did exacerbate Genocide further way back in 1994, when ethnicity was widespread by the so called government media houses.

Though an experience of the past, it becomes rather imperative to iron out such issues so that history does not repeat itself.

Wrongs should be committed under the guise of guarding freedom of expression, consequently feeding the population on rumours and hearsay, calculated to discredit the popular leadership that was elected by the population.
