Hydropower electricity correlates with poverty reduction

Dear editor, With the way cash power has become expensive for the average Rwandan, the introduction of a hydropower plant on river Nyabarongo would be a solution to this problem.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dear editor,

With the way cash power has become expensive for the average Rwandan, the introduction of a hydropower plant on river Nyabarongo would be a solution to this problem.

Rwanda has a number of rivers that have not yet been exploited to their full potential. Having dams constructed at the various rivers would definitely cut down the cost of the electricity and water bills.

With the introduction of electricity in rural Rwanda, the poverty prevalence levels will be greatly reduced. Farmers upcountry will increase the production on their farms as a result of using electricity driven machines rather than the diesel generators they are accustomed to.

With electricity, internet accessibility will become easier and these farmers too, can make business transactions through the internet. This is time saving and at the same time a method of transforming the illiterate farmers into knowledgeable ones.

In the near future, the millennium development goals (MDG’s) in Rwanda will be realized and finally the country’s economy transformed from an agro-based one to Knowledge based economy.
