When will Rwanda’s education system be stable?

Editor, flip flopping on curricula, examinable subjects and school year calendars have been going on for so long it looks like the leaders in the education sector believe they can keep at it for as long they can keep changing their minds.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Flip flopping on curricula, examinable subjects and school year calendars have been going on for so long it looks like the leaders in the education sector believe they can keep at it for as long they can keep changing their minds.

This is no way to build a strong and reputable education system. It encourages mediocre educators who strive to remain relevant in an unnecessarily changing environment instead of aspiring to be experts in their chosen fields and in turn produce below average graduates. 

Surely, our children deserve better.

Anne Batamuriza, KigaliRwanda

Reaction to the story, "French back in O-Level examinations”, (The New Times, August 7)