Wearing your tie casually

There used to be a time when to wear a tie of any kind, one needed to be in a nice, well-pressed suit. For some, wearing a tie actually required a cause; there had to be something important they were going to attend.

Friday, August 02, 2013

There used to be a time when to wear a tie of any kind, one needed to be in a nice, well-pressed suit. For some, wearing a tie actually required a cause; there had to be something important they were going to attend. If ties were not being associated with seriousness and formalness and important deals, they were being linked to older people. As if aware of the challenges facing it, the tie has been re-inventing itself constantly, to keep up with changing tastes and fashion preferences. These days in the corporate world, which is where the tie belongs really, it is common to hear talk of "casual” or "dress-down” Fridays, in which the idea usually is to break away from the traditional formal office look. Initially, dress-down Fridays mostly involved storing away the plain. Long sleeved shirts and trousers, and replacing them with colorful corporate Polo-shirts and the usual faded jeans/khaki. The dress-down Friday is good in as far as it enables employees to show their individual style by veering away from the norm. But dressing down is a concept that has for long been associated with bringing down the neck tie and hiding it away. In fact, whenever men think of dressing down, the first enemy that is singled out is the neck tie. But does it always have to be so? Let’s see … If you’re trying to look casual with a tie on, don’t button the top most button of your shirt. Rather, tighten your knot to the point it holds the collar together and doesn’t look sloppy. Casual ties are usually slightly narrower than formal ties, and a smaller tie has been known to give off a more casual look. Avoid shiny silk neckties, the type that some people call "pangas” on account of their shape and size. Instead, go for any material that shows and is rich in texture, like wool and cotton.No matter how casual you’re trying to be, never wear a tie with shorts. This particular point is a matter of aesthetics really, so no explanations will be forthcoming. There is a way of wearing a neck tie in which the smaller, back part of the tie if left to hang free or "peep out”, which in itself is a way to loosen your appearance. Finally, if you’re going to an event, first make sure it’s appropriate to wear a tie casually before showing up and sticking out like a sore thumb.