Health: The bane of a woman’s life

What is a urinary tract infection? Our urinary system is devised to expel waste products from the body, via urine. Small amounts of bacteria are always present in it. But when the bacteria become more than 105 per millilitre of urine, infection is said to be present. 

Friday, July 11, 2008

What is a urinary tract infection?

Our urinary system is devised to expel waste products from the body, via urine. Small amounts of bacteria are always present in it. But when the bacteria become more than 105 per millilitre of urine, infection is said to be present. 

The infection may be involving the urinary bladder, ureters (the tubes that carry urine) or kidneys. Infection from one part may spread to another thus at times the entire system may get affected.

More than 50 per cent of sufferers are young women for many reasons. The short length of female urethra allows bacteria to easily travel up and settle. This makes them more prone to infections of the bladder.

Blood passed every month during menstruation provides a rich medium for bacteria to grow. If hygiene observed during menses is not very good, this can also be a source of infection.

Those at risk

Women are also more prone to sexually acquired diseases and the germs acquired during sexual intercourse can also lead to urinary tract infections. 

Using dirty public toilettes, particularly the ones with commodes are also source of UTI. Tears of the perineum, urethra or bladder during difficult childbirth also make a woman more susceptible to urinary tract infections.

Older women are also not safe. Middle aged and elderly women having prolapsed uterus develop urinary infections frequently. Men may get UTI in old age due to enlargement of prostate.

But it is not common in young adults. In very sick hospitalized patients, whether men or women, urinary catheters are a potent source of infection to the urinary system.

Persons having infection of the bladder, i.e. cystitis suffer from frequency and urgency of urination. After a short time of visiting the toilette, the urge to void comes again and it is always urgent. Ask any woman.

How embarrassing it is to go to the toilet frequently at work place, university or any other public place. There is also intense burning sensation and discomfort in passing urine, which makes her difficult to sit for long.

Along with this there can be suprapubic pain. Infection of the ureters can cause pain in the loin, radiating to groin, which may be intense at times. As the infection goes to kidneys, one will get pain in the lower back and high grade fever with chills.

Nausea and vomiting can occur with infection of any part of the urinary system. Intensity of symptoms depends on severity of infection, which in turn depends on amount of germs present and resistance of the woman. Conditions like diabetes and HIV infection also make one more prone to UTI. 

Urinary tract infection does cause much embarrassment and suffering to the affected person. Long standing persisting urinary tract infection can lead to chronic failure of the kidney.

Diagnosis of urinary tract infection can be confirmed by microscopic examination of the urine sample. Ideally it should be a sample taken in the morning and mid stream (i.e after discarding the first few drops of urine).

This ensures concentration of the infecting microorganisms and also avoids false positive results due to external contamination from the genital organs.

Urine culture when done shows the organism implicated. In more than 80% of cases the causative germ is Escheria coli.

Other organisms may be Proteus, Kleibsella, e.t.c. Infections acquired in hospital settings are mostly caused by resistant micro organisms like pseudomonas.


Timely treatment by suitable antibiotic provides complete relief. But it would be wise to prevent the infection, rather than going through the cumbersome path of suffering, medical consultations, tests and treatment.

Drinking lots of fluids ensures complete cleansing of the urinary system of infectious micro organisms. Since water is the healthiest drink for taking frequently, one should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water each day.

Good personal hygiene during menstruation is very important. Passing urine and washing the private parts after intercourse avoids contamination of the urinary system.

At all times one should keep these delicate parts clean and dry to ensure that no harmful germs enter the urinary system. If in spite of all precautions, one does develop UTI consult a doctor.
