The secret life of ....

The secret life of .... Josephine Fifi Rurangwa is the Corporate Sales Manager of MTN Rwanda. She was recently declared the world’s ‘Overall Y’ello Star 2007’. What time do you normally wake up during week days? Between 5.45 and 6.00 a.m.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

The secret life of .... Josephine Fifi Rurangwa is the Corporate Sales Manager of MTN Rwanda. She was recently declared the world’s ‘Overall Y’ello Star 2007’.

What time do you normally wake up during week days?

Between 5.45 and 6.00 a.m.

What is your favourite breakfast?

I’m a poor eater. Bread and tea is enough for me.

The house/flat you live in is…

Just ‘me’ I change the interior to suit me.

What keeps you awake at night?

When my kid cries.

What was your childhood dream?

Becoming a medial practitioner.

All your money goes on…

My kids, home necessities, and my holiday expenses. I enjoy traveling!

The moment that changed my life….


You would not know, but I’m not good at…

Trimming my eyebrows.

What the worst thing anyone has said to you?

I can’t recall. I make sure that I forget all sad incidents.

You drive…

A Grand Suzuki.

Your favourite item of clothing…


Your five year plan..

I will need to retire and become a house wife.

The person who most makes you laugh…

My children. I miss their interesting humor whenever I’m not with them.

What is the worst job you have ever done?

None. I find fun in anything I do.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Maybe sweets.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Motherhood and in my carrier, to have been the winner of "Overall Y’ello Star”.

How do you relax?

By reading lots of books and sometimes having a daytime nap.

When did you last cry, and why?

I always cry from both happiness and sorrow.

The best invitation ever…

To attend to the Overall Star gala in Johannesburg.

Aside from a property, what’s the most expensive thing you have bought?

A car, my new bed and a dressing table. They were all expensive!
