Marking liberation at Cyanya cell excites residents

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — The Mayor of Rwamagana district has said it’s important to take liberation Day celebrations to Cell levels in order to elavate the political participation of residents.

Friday, July 04, 2008


RWAMAGANA — The Mayor of Rwamagana district has said it’s important to take liberation Day celebrations to Cell levels in order to elavate the political participation of residents.

Valens Ntezirembo noted that residents are the primary beneficiaries of the liberation struggle and should therefore feel its ownership beyond periodic celebrations.

He was officiating at Cyanya Cell Liberation Day celebrations at the  Cell headquarters yestreday. He explained that it was an initiation of the President (Paul Kagame) to take the celebrations nearer to residents, as a symbol of good governance.

Ntezirembo called upon Rwandans to recognise the importance of the Liberation day owing to the challenges which had characterised the country for decades.

According to the mayor, the day should act as a binding ceremony to revive the unity and love that characterized citizens before the coming of colonilaists, who divided them along ethnic lines.

The day should also be marked by uprooting genocide ideology which is still entrenched in the minds of some residents, he said.

Hawamu Sebisaho, the cell coordinator told the visibly excited residents that "liberation” belongs to them, and they should pride in it because it delivered them out of the ‘maladministration that reined the nation for quite long’.

Sebisaho extended warm tribute to the government for decentralising the celebrations to Cell level. Mayor Ntezirembo also urged residents to exploit the available security situation in the country by engaging in development activities.

Noting that good governance and democracy are pillars of development, the Mayor urged residents to turn up in big numbers for elections of persons of integrity scheduled for July 5 (today).

During the celebrations, residents displayed their achievements in the past year. Cyanya village (Umudugudu) emerged the best performer scooping a number of prizes including; a registrar book, a packet of pens, a rim of papers and file.

Similar prizes were given out to best villages across the district, according to the Mayor. It was the first time celebrations were taken to grassroots countrywide.
