Public school children need help

Recently, I visited a certain public school here in Kigali and was so amazed with the way the children were learning. I wonder how a teacher can teach a class of 70 children and they all understand what he or she is teaching. This is a big number for one teacher.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Recently, I visited a certain public school here in Kigali and was so amazed with the way the children were learning. I wonder how a teacher can teach a class of 70 children and they all understand what he or she is teaching. This is a big number for one teacher.

It is also said that due to the big number of pupils, the performance of these children is not promising at all.

More classrooms need to be built to solve the problem of over population in the classes.

As a result of helping children to perform well, schools should be supported to provide lunch to these children before going back home.

Children with special cases like health problems need great support to keep them learning without any hindrance.

With the support of the ministry of education and the head teachers of these schools, I believe these problems children face can be solved.

Concerned citizen