Fruits are not expensive

Dear editor, I am set to stop the poor thinking that fruits are eaten only by the rich. They are ironically more accessible to the poor in their proper and fresh forms.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Dear editor,

I am set to stop the poor thinking that fruits are eaten only by the rich. They are ironically more accessible to the poor in their proper and fresh forms.

But the problem is that they do not think they are important to eat. If you think about it, it’s logical for the human body to consume food that contains as much water as the body itself.

The nutrition that meets that requirement is fruit. There is no other food than fruit on this planet that contains on average 80% water.

Vegetables also contain a lot of water and are therefore second best. No doubt about this argument. Too much bad-cholesterol is not good for our bodies and fruit doesn’t contain bad-cholesterol.

Animal products like meat and dairy contain a lot of bad-cholesterol. If you didn’t know yet: fruit is the ultimate brain fuel. Fruit has a positive effect on our brains.

The way this works still has to be found out and many scientists are looking into it as we speak. What we do know is that if you consume fruit effectively, your brains can recall information faster and more easily.

Did you always think that fruit was an expensive product?Take a good look at how much money you spend on other food.

It could be worth something to replace some of those expenses with fruit. Be aware that fruit is the healthiest food on earth and therefore it is well worth spending our money on.
