Charity begins at home

Editor, there are so many things that we need to learn from Sunny Ntayombya’s opinion.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


There are so many things that we need to learn from Sunny Ntayombya’s opinion.

Our own tragedies are considered bad publicity, that’s why we give very little mention to bombings or fatal road accidents. We want to always be associated with good news, so the sooner the public can forget about grenades the better.

I have a feeling that any public outpouring of grief and prayers over grenade attacks will not be very welcome. Again, the point about some people being considered more important than others still prevails. If you want a service and there happen to be a muzungu around, you can be sure they will get better treatment.

Or, to use your example, if Wenger said he wants to buy Messi and needs contributions from all fans, you will be surprised how generous the local fans will be.

Steve, KanombeRwanda

Reaction to Sunny Ntayombya’s opinion, "The Boston bombings are revealing a lot of hypocrisy”, (The New Times, April 17)