If 18-year-olds can vote, why can’t they marry?

Editor, let me take this opportunity to thank Sunny (Ntayombya) once again for this good article. If 18-year olds can vote, elect their candidates of choice, they can also marry. In other words, they are adults.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013


Let me take this opportunity to thank Sunny (Ntayombya) once again for this good article. If 18-year olds can vote, elect their candidates of choice, they can also marry. In other words, they are adults.

Next thing you know, those blowing the age vuvuzelas will be telling us that an 18-year old Rwandan is not intelligent enough; that eighteen year old Rwandans cannot acquire a passport because they may get lost in foreign countries should they travel alone.

Oddly, a Rwandan citizen can acquire a passport at the age of 16! I think age 16 is the right one.

Michael RwiyamiliraUSA


I would recommend Parliament to revisit the reproductive health bill and at least put in place provisions that would set the age of having sex.

The whole idea around reducing the age of marriage is sex. If both girls and boys would know the right age of engaging in safe sex then this would help in reducing STDs and adolescent marriages.

At the same time, we need to educate the youth with safe sex awareness.

Nziza, KibagabagaRwanda

Reaction to Sunny Ntayombya’s opinion, "Let 18-year-olds make love as well as war”, (The New Times, April 3)