Government needs land consolidation, not fragmentation

Editor,Mr. Tabaro has clearly given the answer when he himself wrote that the church has several activities on land acquired over the years. If that’s not enough, tangible evidences are everywhere for all to see.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Editor,Mr. Tabaro has clearly given the answer when he himself wrote that the church has several activities on land acquired over the years. If that’s not enough, tangible evidences are everywhere for all to see. Visit the swamps located between Bibare and Umushumba Mwiza to meet a large number of women who are socioeconomically engaged in agricultural activities. And for the unutilised land, it is reserved for expansion.Indeed what the Government needs is land consolidation and not fragmentation due to its collective benefits. Presumably, 50% of Rwandese population is affiliated to the Roman Catholic Church (in the above image); then how many chunks of land do you think it may need for collective developmental activities?Stinger, Kigali RwandaReaction to the story, "Will Church surrender its land to the landless?” (The New Times, April 1)