Maintain quest to bring genocidaires to justice

Editor,It is apparent that France itself was implicit in aiding many of those responsible during the genocide. Why would it surprise the World that 20 years later, they are still harbouring so many genocide fugitives?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Editor,It is apparent that France itself was implicit in aiding many of those responsible during the genocide. Why would it surprise the World that 20 years later, they are still harbouring so many genocide fugitives?The fact that they refuse to extradite the former First Lady Agathe Habyarimana is pathetic.My only prayer is that like their Jewish counterparts hunting Nazis, the Rwandan justice seekers continue their unrelenting quest to bring those responsible to justice.Steve Hays, Annapolis, Maryland USAReaction to the story, "Bandora extradited”, (The New Times, March 11).