Alternating is key to democracy

Editor, Another interesting article from Sunny Ntayombya. Delighted to read his opinion pieces.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Editor,Another interesting article from Sunny Ntayombya. Delighted to read his opinion pieces. Most important is to continue the ideas of a political party than an individual. Alternating is key to democracy and democracy is a measurement of happiness and good governance.Landry, China

------------------------------------------ I fail to see how the Vice President would fill the gap...and what gap? It is not sudden that the President will leave office when his term ends, any aspirant worth his mettle will  have shown up  .You mention the issue of death or incapacitation of the incumbent but the issue here is end of tenure.  When the US president’s term ends, so does that of the Vice President. I wouldn’t be worried about who sits where during the interim period.  I would only ask whether the institutions designed to manage the transition are in place and up to the task. Martin, Kigali  ***************Excellent Article. However, the biggest mistake, Rwandans can ever do is to let President Paul Kagame to go !!! We still need him.  He is still strong. After all it is us Rwandans who voted for him to be our president, not America, UK, France etc. It is Rwandans who can decide about the third term, fourth term etc...

Gahizi, NyamiramboReactions to the opinion article, ‘‘Forget the third term published March 6.