Rwanda's Liberation: Utopia or Reality?
Monday, July 03, 2023
Some of the soldiers during a seminar in Rushaki at the beginning of 1994. Located in the current Gicumbi District, Rushaki was one of the prominent bases of the liberation struggle . Courtesy

On July 4th, 2023, Rwanda commemorates its 29th Liberation Day, a significant day to celebrate countless achievements in our nation's journey of rebirth and socio-economic transformation since July 4th, 1994, a day when the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) stopped the Genocide against the Tutsi, liberating the country from a genocidal regime.

During that time, the international community and Western superpowers were largely passive, failing to intervene effectively to stop the genocide. The RPF's decisive action saved countless lives and provided a glimmer of hope for a nation torn apart by the most inhumane event in the world’s history.

Since then, Rwandans have embarked on an arduous journey of reconstruction and reconciliation. Today, Rwanda stands as a globally respected nation, ranking highly in various socio-economic development indicators. This accelerated development is the result of the collective sacrifice and determination of the leadership and the citizens, who have united to overcome various challenges and negative forces.

One key aspect of Rwanda's liberation is its visionary leadership that has emerged, setting the country on a new path. Its guiding principles of nation-building, unity, reconciliation, inclusiveness, justice, power-sharing, self-reliance, prosperity, and mutual respect have shaped Rwanda's political orientation. These principles have been pivotal in fostering a sense of shared purpose among Rwandans.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that Rwanda's success has not gone unchallenged. Certain Western superpowers have sought to undermine our country's leadership and tarnish its achievements. Criticisms, accusations, and intimidation have been employed to discredit Rwandan leaders, raising issues such as the lack of democracy, human rights concerns, and allegations of support to rebel groups like the M23. These distractions should not overshadow the remarkable progress achieved.

Rwandan leaders' unwavering determination in their continued pursuit of liberation. Their commitment to upholding the highest standards of governance and character has been instrumental in driving the nation forward. Moreover, their ability to mobilize all Rwandans towards a common goal has further solidified the unity and strength of the nation.

As we celebrate Rwanda's 29th Liberation Day this year, it is a time to reflect on the tremendous achievements that testify to the country's continued liberation, recognizing that Rwanda's journey towards liberation has been a remarkable story of resilience, determination, and progress.

From the dark days of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis, our country has risen from the ashes, defying all odds to become a shining example of what can be achieved through visionary leadership, unity, and a shared commitment to building a better future. While some critics may question the path Rwanda has taken, tremendous strides have been made in all areas.

Rwanda's success in promoting restorative and reconciliatory justice, political power-sharing, and military integration stands as a testament to the nation's commitment to healing and inclusivity. Rwanda has prioritized political integration by embracing all political parties and providing a platform for diverse voices, and fostered a culture of open dialogue and collaboration. Indeed, currently all legally constituted political parties are represented in parliament and government institutions.

Rwanda's transformation extends beyond the political sphere, as our self-determination as nation led us to embark on a path to dignified living. The era of grass-thatched houses has been replaced by modern housing, and the creation of IDP model villages has provided a sense of stability and security to citizens, in addition to accompanying significant progress in reducing poverty, ensuring gender equality, and providing access to education and healthcare for all its citizens. Rwandans have developed a profound sense of excellence in all their endeavors, pushing themselves to achieve greatness. By investing in human capital, Rwanda has unlocked its people's potential, creating a foundation for sustainable development and prosperity.

However much external pressures and unfounded criticisms we get, as Rwandans, we have proven time and our resilience and ability to overcome obstacles, forging our own path towards collectively building the Rwanda we want under the visionary leadership of President Paul Kagame, who led the liberation struggle.

As we celebrate our 29th Liberation Day, it a time for reflection and gratitude to our transformative leadership that has guided Rwanda through its journey of liberation. It is also an opportunity to honor the memory of the lives to liberate our country from the genocidal regime, and to pledge our collective strength and determination as the citizens of our great nation, to continue the journey of liberation to reach greater heights!

It is a moment to tell the world that Rwanda's liberation is not a utopian fantasy; but a tangible reality that has transformed the lives of millions of Rwandans, and is undoubtedly an inspiration for many nations grappling with their own challenges and seeking a path towards progress and unity.

Rwanda's story reminds us that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail, and a nation can rise above its past to create a better future.

As Rwanda looks ahead to the next chapter of its liberation journey, the country remains steadfast in its commitment to peace, development, and shared prosperity. The challenges may persist, but Rwanda's unwavering spirit and determination will continue to drive the nation forward.

On this Liberation Day, let us join hands with Rwanda in celebrating our remarkable achievements and renewing our commitment to building a world where liberation, unity, and progress can be realized by all. Rwanda's liberation is not just a chapter in its history; it is an ongoing journey towards a brighter future for all Rwandans

Prof Pierre Damien Habumuremyi, is an RPF cadre and a Political Science Expert while Patrice Habinshuti is an International Development Expert