Engage men in women empowerment

Editor,I wish to react to the article, We need more women achievers in 2013, (The New Times, January 22). 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Editor,I wish to react to the article, We need more women achievers in 2013, (The New Times, January 22).  I thank the author, Stephen Mugisha, for this piece. However, it is not hard to see that he obviously do not relate to the female sex in any way! What does he know about the glass ceiling? Does he think we 'use it as an excuse to slow us down'? Do es he think 'being ourselves' has anything to do with anything? He would help much more if he addressed the men who dominate the workplace to set up more transparent paths to the top – many qualified women, in Rwanda and beyond, face the obstacle of the glass ceiling for various reasons but this round-table discussion cannot be for women alone: men need to be part of it too. My two cents...Isaro,  Kigali