Health: Learn how to limit work stress

Development and modernization have increased the number of physical comforts for man. There are machines of all kind to reduce physical work: coolers, heaters, better transport, and faster communication.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Development and modernization have increased the number of physical comforts for man. There are machines of all kind to reduce physical work: coolers, heaters, better transport, and faster communication.

But this development has brought about is negative consequences also. There is increased competition to accumulate material comforts which has generated more competition at work place and made working more stressful.

An individual needs to understand very well how to keep him or herself healthy and stress free at work. A disciplined routine not only keeps an individual healthy but also improves the quality of one’s work.

Take for example the person who sleeps late. He gets up late, rushes about shouting. He reaches the office late. In the confusion, he leaves some important papers at home. He is now tense and anxious causing him to perform badly.

At the end of the day, he will feel bad at home and shout at his wife and kids. Because of the anxiety he he does not get sleep properly. Next day he again gets up late, feeling tired and tense and the same routine is repeated.

A little organisation goes a long way in helping an individual to stay stress free. By getting up early one can get ready comfortably. Weekends can be used for relaxation and organising oneself for the work of the week.

Meetings are yet another cause of stress. People become tense and nervous before a meeting. As a result, they perform badly, forget what they know. This generates more tension, when they realize later what they have done due to being nervous.

How to beat those nerves? Make time to take 10 minutes before a meeting. Sit back, close your eyes and take long slow breaths. Count to 100. Gather your thoughts. With a totally relaxed mind a person can recall and present things better.
