Why comfort zone can be dangerous at work
Tuesday, September 06, 2022
Staying in your comfort zone sabotages the extraordinary potential that you have. Net photo.

A comfort zone can be triggered by many things. We all create a comfort zone whenever we feel that we don’t want to have a lot to do, or that we don’t want to interact with anyone, or even sometimes because we constantly need a break and just chill.

A comfort zone is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and in control of their environment, experiencing low levels of anxiety and stress.

Ariane Uwimana, an assistant Human Resource manager, says that a comfort zone is very dangerous because it stops a person from knowing their true self and exploring their potential.

"That place might feel very comfortable and might give you the illusion that you are in control, but in reality that is a place that stops you from knowing a lot of things. We all have talents, ambitions, and skills that we can’t discover if we are in a place that we fear getting out of, and as a result not knowing yourself and your potential may restrict you from a lot of opportunities and exposure,” she says.

Adrien Munyaneza, a communication specialist, says that a comfort zone can lure laziness into a person’s working schedule.

"Being in a comfort zone means also being in a routine, where you come to do the same thing over and over. A routine creates laziness, and also makes a person feel that they don’t need to make any progress, so staying in a comfort zone can highly affect productivity if laziness comes in, and will also affect the trust an employer has in them,” he says.

Chastity Heyward, President of Sylvan Learning Center in Temecula, California, says that, when you stay in your comfort zone, you lose the opportunity to show the world your potential and what you can really achieve and contribute. People throughout history who are still remembered did not achieve their goals by being ordinary and stagnant. Staying in your comfort zone removes that extraordinary potential from you.

How to step out of a comfort zone

Alice Uwineza, a sales executive, says that stepping out of a comfort zone can really be hard but it is worth the try and that is never regrettable.

"It is hard, but you can always make it a habit to try something new every day. Don’t go for the hard things, start with simple things like engaging in a conversation with a workmate, asking them about the workplace and how to be a more competent employee, and the next day you can approach your boss and suggest ideas, request for tasks that require you to move out your comfort zone, and then make it a daily habit,” she says.

According to Forbes, here are a few ways to step out of a comfort zone:

Revisit your greatest accomplishments

Accomplishments are often made because of courage. Stepping forward in faith and looking fear in the eye isn’t easy, but it helps us realize what we are truly made of. When we’re stuck in comfort, familiarity is actually our frenemy; a friend we rely on, yet who also keeps us beneath our highest potential. By revisiting our greatest successes, we remember that courage is what got us there.

Find a compelling reason

Stepping out of our comfort zone can be difficult if we do not build a compelling reason to do so. Take the time to think about what it could be like to take that step. Marinate in that visual, idea or thought long enough to build solid momentum that propels you into inspired action.

Physically embody the change

Shifts in the mindset lead to shifts in the body and emotional state. But the opposite can also be true. Using Amy Cuddy’s work in her book ‘Presence,’ focus on embodying the change by either standing in the Wonderwoman/Superman pose or other expansive poses to help increase your sense of power and confidence. The more you do the poses, the more you will be able to step out of your comfort zone.