I can’t take tea without sugar

Kabuye sugar factory is located near St. Alexis primary school. ‘The Children Times’ recently visited St. Alexis Nursery School and children had their say about the use of sugar.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Kabuye sugar factory is located near St. Alexis primary school. ‘The Children Times’ recently visited St. Alexis Nursery School and children had their say about the use of sugar.

My name is Ninsiima Juliet. At home we put sugar in milk. Milk with sugar is my favourite drink.

My name is Aliet. I put sugar in milk tea and porridge. I prefer porridge with sugar to milk tea with sugar.

My name is Dominica Baby. We put sugar in milk and dry tea. I like drinking both dry tea and milk.

I am called Nishimwe Kenia. I like sugar when it is in porridge not in food. We don’t put sugar in food, we put salt in food.

My name is Jeal Ceasar and I like sugar, it tastes so sweet. I also like drinking it in tea or porridge.

My name is Mutesi Melissa and I like sugar because it makes porridge sweet to drink.
