Blanko bids to keep momentum

2010 World/Africa Cup qualifier Today Ethiopia   v    Rwanda Time 1600 hrs

Saturday, June 07, 2008
DROPPED: Jean-Bosco Uwacu (L), CAPTAIN: O.Karekezi (C), CUSTODIAN: Jean-Claude Ndoli (R).

2010 World/Africa Cup qualifier


Ethiopia   v    Rwanda

Time 1600 hrs

Amavubi Stars face a must win situation this afternoon as they battle hosts Ethiopia in the 2010 World Cup/Africa Nations’ Cup qualifier due in Addis Ababa.

The 18-players’ squad which was accompanied by 12 officials arrived was due to arrive in Addis Ababa last night.

Amavubi Stars who attained three points in their group eight opener against Mauritania goes into today’s game with an aim of bagging maximum points or settle for a point to keep momentum in the campaign.

Rwanda which is better off than Ethiopia in both Fifa rankings and recent football performances is expected to leave no stone unturned in their quest of posting positive results in today’s crucial fixture.

Rwanda is ranked 106th in the world and 27th in Africa while Ethiopia is ranked 131st in the world and 37th in Africa.

Ethiopia last faced Rwanda in the 2005 Cecafa tournament when suspended, Fikru Tefera scored the lone goal for the Walya Antelopes to lift the regional trophy against Rwanda.

Ethiopia has a long football tradition and is among the pioneers of international competition in Africa after taking part in the inaugural African Nations Cup in 1957.

Ethiopia’s peak came in 1962 when they won the African Nations’ tournament on home soil. They remained a force in the African game for the remainder of the decade, although further success in the Nations Cup, let alone World Cup qualification eluded them.

They hosted the Nations Cup tournament in 1976 but failed to progress to the semi final and last qualified for the tournament in 1982. The Walya Antelopes had finished second and third in the 1957/59 Nations’ Cup editions.

To keep alive any hopes of qualifying for World Cup/ Africa Cup tourneys, Amavubi Stars will defy all odds and defeat the Walya Antelopes on their home soil.

Blanko who is trying to make a name in Rwanda football history has opted to feature the 4-5-1 formation, a formation which will deny the host country from playing their fast and minimum balls touch.

"I will field five midfielders who will support the lone striker upfront and four defenders behind,” Blanko said on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Blanko who made no changes in the first 11 players who started against Mauritania is probably expected to line up the same team against Ethiopia.

Jean-Claude Iranzi replaced Jean Bosco Uwacu in the 18-man squad which was named before the team’s departure on Friday night. Another causality, was Greece based Fritz Emeran Nkusi.

Traveling squad: Jean-Claude Ndoli,Elias Ntaganda, Saddou Boubakary, Hamad Ndikumana,Jean Mugiraneza, Mutesa Mafisango,Eric Gasana,Olivier Karekezi,Said Abedi Makasi, Luc Ndayishimiye,Jean-Claude Iranzi, Bobo Bola,Aloua Gaseruka, Bokota Labama Kamana, Abedi Mulenda, Haruna Niyonzima, Arafat Serugendo, and Ismail Nshutinamagara.

Probable squad: J.Ndoli, I.Nshutinamagara, S.Boubakary, H.Ndikumana, J.Mugiraneza, M.Mafisango, E.Ntaganda.E.Gasana, O.Karekezi, S.Abedi and B.Kamana.
