Eight things to consider before renting an apartment

Set a budget  Consider how much you’re going to pay for the apartment and try to follow the rule of not exceeding 30% of your monthly income.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Set a budget Consider how much you’re going to pay for the apartment and try to follow the rule of not exceeding 30% of your monthly income. Where to search With houses in urban areas, a house broker would probably be the best to contact in order to have a quick choice of houses to rent. Going to the right broker will get you a good deal.List down what you are looking forRather than being driven by attraction, write down a list of what you want around or within that rental.The renter’s resume Like a CV for a job, the tenant should include all information to make you stand out from other applicants and convince the landlord that you are a trust worthy tenant.What’s included? It’s very important to know if the rent includes water and electricity bills and most important what the average utility bills on the building are.Read before you signHaving gotten excited from the looks, people tend to sign very fast before paying attention to detail that could later be used against them and bring conflicts and disagreements.Inspect the apartment Most important thing when you get an apartment is not to let the looks deceive you, pay attention to hidden attributes and if there are any damages.Know your landlord It’s important to know some basic information about your landlord; it could also bail you out in cases of rent payment on those bad months when you delay to pay the rent.