Rewarding high achievers makes others pull up their socks

Dear editor, When some one is appreciated, they feel better about what they are doing hence performance is bettered.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dear editor,

When some one is appreciated, they feel better about what they are doing hence performance is bettered.

The moves made by various organizations and institutions in rewarding their workers and students is wise because in this way they encourage those who are lagging behind to perform better.

MTN and NUR are leading examples of this, and I encourage other companies and educational institutions to follow their example. By rewarding high achieving workers, a company is strengthening its backbone because without efficient workers a company cannot stand.

The same applies for educational institutions, which without hardworking students, standards will not be rose. No one will want to study at a place where there is no high quality education, unless they have no intention of pursuing competitive careers.

I call upon all the various organizations, companies and institutions to reward high achiever so that they can improve on their efficiency.