What is UN up to?

  Dear editor, I am so disappointed in the UN for the negative reports that are being received about their workers.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dear editor,

I am so disappointed in the UN for the negative reports that are being received about their workers.

When their humanitarians and peace keepers are abusing young girls and boys we are left wondering where our world is heading. This insane and inhumane act has to be seriously stopped.

The incident that was reported in Ivory Coast where 10 UN peace keepers raped a young girl, is so appalling to such an extent that leaves us wondering how many more are victims to such crimes?

We are living in a world where action speaks louder than words. When humanitarians and aid workers are sent to these war torn areas, the native people expect them to help with easing the pain of the war, not aggravating it.

UN needs to seriously deal with this problem and ensure that the people they send are not perverted maniacs who take advantage of young children. Damage is already done and what we do not want to hear are the endless promises of peace. All we want to see is positive action against this crime.

No more empty promises, UN needs to start working on building the broken trust that has been existent for a while now.