Wakeup and protect vulnerable children

Dear editor, It is with utter disgust and disappointment that I address the issue of little girls being defiled and killed by ruthless males.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dear editor,

It is with utter disgust and disappointment that I address the issue of little girls being defiled and killed by ruthless males.

This makes you wonder if there is a safe place for these children to be today. When you read the story of Pascal Ndagijimana who with his colleague committed this crime, you are filled with rage and disappointment.

This crime is quite common in society and culprits need a bigger punishment than putting them behind bars. They are many and continue roaming the streets searching for new victims to devour. I call upon all concerned parties especially parents who have young children to be more cautious.

Take extra precaution and be sure that the houseboys whom you send to accompany your children to school and bring them back are proper and not perverts. Not only are young girls vulnerable to this horrific crime, young boys too are falling victim to it.

Parents should be the lead roles in curbing this crime since it’s the children who suffer. They should stop relaxing and taking things for granted because a child will always be afraid to tell them if they are victims of such.

Concerned mother
