Health benefits of oatmeal
Monday, September 05, 2022
Oatmeal is known for its rich antioxidants and keeps you full longer. Net photo.

If you cannot decide on what to make for breakfast, nutritionists affirm that trying out oatmeal could be the best idea as it’s loaded with many health benefits.

In fact, this is an incredibly filling meal that can make a great breakfast to keep one satisfied for long hours.

Esther Batetiwabo, a nutritionist at King Faisal Hospital says the main concern when it comes to oatmeal is that people should watch out for those with added sugars or additives included in certain types.

She says these kinds are not good for one’s health for instance, she says such oats always contain sugar, salt, and preservatives, making them the worst kind of oats to eat.

To ensure you are on the right side, she says going for those with zero sugars and additives is essential.

Also, she advises that one should go for oats that are organic, as most grains have been genetically modified.


Oatmeal is known for its rich antioxidants, including phytic acid, vitamin E, phenolic compounds, and Avenanthramides which fight inflammation, prevent itching, and improve blood flow.

These antioxidants also work to neutralize free radicals in the body that may cause oxidative stress, causing cell damage that may lead to chronic diseases.

Erick Musengimana, a nutritionist at Rwanda diabetes Association, Kigali says oatmeal can provide great benefits, including lower cholesterol and improved blood sugar regulation.

This, he says, is because oats are high in fiber, which helps keep you full between meals and regulates blood sugar levels.

He notes that oats also have a low glycemic index and load, meaning that they do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed.

They have also been shown to help with lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose while raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

In addition to this, Batetiwabo says oatmeal is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals, including manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and folate.

It’s also a great gluten-free whole grain alternative for those on gluten-free diets.

Besides, it’s a versatile ingredient that you can enjoy in different recipes.

She says that adding oatmeal to your diet helps increase satiety and is perfect for anyone looking to lose weight.

"This whole grain is high in fiber, which fills you up faster. This helps prevent overeating, and unnecessary snacking, and lowers your daily calorie intake, causing you to lose weight," she says.

Studies indicate that one cup contains 1.8 grams of soluble fiber, which is enough to cut LDL (bad) cholesterol while helping to maintain HDL (good) cholesterol.

Soluble fiber also slows digestion and helps control blood sugar levels.

A diet rich in soluble fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol more effectively than statin drugs without any side effects.