Know what might cause your back to pain

Many people ranging from the youth to elderly complain of persistent back pains. Back pain is one of the commonest health complaints in the country and has been found to have no underlying pathological condition in most cases.

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Dr.Joseph Kamugisha

Many people ranging from the youth to elderly complain of persistent back pains. Back pain is one of the commonest health complaints in the country and has been found to have no underlying pathological condition in most cases.Though pain is a symptom to many health illnesses, the back can become painful for a number of reasons.  Back pain is of many types and can be a symptom of a number of different problems ranging from a minor injury like a strained muscle to a major injury like a slipped disc, and even a few serious conditions such as cancer. Back pain is an extremely common health complaint to many people, and affects everyone at some time or the other in life.Back pain is itself a symptom and not a disease. It is an indication that something is wrong either with some part of the spine itself or with the nerves and muscles in the back. Back pain symptoms vary greatly in location and the type of pain, and these factors help diagnose the underlying cause of the symptoms. Back pain can sometimes radiate to other parts of the body such as the neck or lower parts of the body like the pelvis. The pain can be dull or sharp, and sometimes the affected part of the body can feel slightly warm. Back pain can also sometimes cause weakness and numbness.There are several different causes of back pain, some of which are the result of temporary stress or trauma, and some indicating a structural problem or a degenerative condition. Strains are the most common causes of back pain. Under many circumstances the back becomes painful in conditions such as maintaining an awkward position for too long, making sudden awkward movements, overusing the back muscles, bad posture and lifting heavy weights improperly. All of these can strain the muscles and ligaments in the back, causing pain that lasts till the affected parts have recovered. Another common factor to mention is the Injury or cumulative damage: One common cause of back pain is conditions such as a slipped disc in which part of an intervertebral disc bulges out from the spine, compressing nerves and causing terrible pain. This is usually the result of suddenly lifting things with the back bent. In addition like any other bone, the bones in the spine can also get fractured as a result of trauma.Degenerative conditions; Conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis affect the bones and joints, and the spine is no exception. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. A joint is the area where two bones meet. Symptoms normally involve joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited movement.Psychological concerns might also make a person to feel back pain. It is important to know that depression and stress can sometimes cause back pain even in cases where no other problem can be detected.Pathological causes of pain include cancer that can affect the spine or nerves in the spine. Infection can also occur causing inflammation and other health problems.Proposed treatmentPeople who suffer back pains under pathological conditions are advised to be treated for the underlying cause of the illness. For other minor causes of back pain, it is advisable to exercise in order to strengthen the back muscles. Simple stretching exercises are also useful especially in cases where you have back pain on a regular basis.Try to relax and get enough rest to avoid both mental stress and physical strain on your back.If possible, get a massage. This does not have to be by a professional, a family member can do it equally well as long as they do not use excessive force. Preferably, massage can be done by use of oil such as eucalyptus oil. Another excellent product is mustard oil in which a little garlic has been fried.Vitamin C and calcium supplements may help, but you will need advice from the doctor first on this.