Tuvugane should be orderly

  Dear editor, I learnt with concern the chasing away of Tuvugane operators in town.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dear editor,

I learnt with concern the chasing away of Tuvugane operators in town.

All Tuvugane operators who use mobile system of doing business are now under orders to be in a fixed place.

This exercise was long over due. If we said no to mobile unregistered hawkers, why did we leave Tuvugane mobile operators in the city? They create the same confusion and disorder and their existence was a big problem to public order.

Anything that attracts disorder is not welcome. The Tivugane had created an environment where thieves and other criminals hid and stole people’s money and property.

It was a matter of putting on a similar jacket and pretend to be a Tuvugane man or woman and then do your ills unnoticeable.

Tuvugane had created a number of youths who roamed in the city in an idle and disorderly manner. Let them be orderly and continue their business. There is no way Tuvugane can operate as a mobile phone without causing a state of permanent disorderly.
