Minicom budget commended for gender responsiveness

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (Minicom) has been commended for its advanced steps towards gender budget responsiveness.

Friday, June 08, 2012

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (Minicom) has been commended for its advanced steps towards gender budget responsiveness.This was said by an official from the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) during the presentation of proposed budgetary allocations by the ministry and its affiliated institutions, to a parliamentary committee.All government institutions have been for the past few years challenged to be responsive towards gender during the planning of their respective budgets."This ministry did its best even though there is room for improvement. One vital element in the gender budget statement of their programmes is the cross cutting gender distribution of employment (GDE),” said Emmy Mupende, the director of planning in GOM.Mupende also urged the ministry to display gender responsiveness precisions in the export sector, cooperatives and some other aspects such as trade and cooperatives. He advised that when the cooperatives’ federation is finally established the role of women in its management and leadership should be put into consideration.Even as MPs noted that they approved of the ministry’s exemplary achievement, Mupende did not leave anything to chance, insisting that even the smallest of existing gaps should be dealt with.The Minister, Francois Kanimba, assured the committee and the GMO office that the ministry is committed to further mainstream gender in all its activities. He noted that the ministry has embarked on a permanent working relationship with all partners and that is why it has such a record.Kanimba said: "I also want to inform you that we commissioned a study conducted by IPAR on women economic empowerment. We wanted to see the role of women in the nation’s economic development as we have weaknesses so that even as Minicom, we can share with all other institutions across the board.”IPAR is the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR), a non-profit, non-governmental, independent research institute.