The 1974 labour law should be amended

Rwanda’s main trade unions – Central Trade Union of Workers of Rwanda (CESTRAR) and the Labour Congress and the Brotherhood-Rwanda (COTRAF) – have called for an increase in the minimum wage. They have proposed Rwf1500 as the daily minimum wage, and Rwf160, 000 the monthly minimum salary.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rwanda’s main trade unions – Central Trade Union of Workers of Rwanda (CESTRAR) and the Labour Congress and the Brotherhood-Rwanda (COTRAF) – have called for an increase in the minimum wage. They have proposed Rwf1500 as the daily minimum wage, and Rwf160, 000 the monthly minimum salary. In all fairness, the 1974 Labour Law is simply out of touch with the present reality. It is hard to believe that employers have the right to pay a casual labourer as little as Rwf100. According to the unionists, some workers in tea plantations earn a paltry Rwf300 a day, which is equivalent to just Rwf9000 a month.With the current cost of living, it is extremely difficult for one to survive on Rwf 300 a day. Such an income can hardly enable one afford a day’s meal, let alone taking care of other basic needs such as education for their kids and healthcare. In such situations, the employer does not remit any pension contributions for their employees too. All this creates a cycle of poverty among the rural folks particularly.It is, therefore, important that the Government, specifically the Ministry of Public Service and Labour, looks into the proposal from the trade union federations, as well as consult other relevant players to urgently come up with an appropriate minimum wage structure.In the meantime, the Labour Law should be amended to suit the current situation and cost of living.