Health: Occupational lung diseases

A variety of organic or inorganic dusts   can directly cause lung diseases either through direct inhalation or due to allergy.This occurs frequently in certain occupations involving chronic inhalation of the dust or fumes or spores or allergy to them.

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Black lung is a legal term describing a preventable, occupational lung disease that is contracted by prolonged breathing of coal mine dust. Described by a variety of names, including mineru2019s asthma, silicosis, coal workersu2019 pneumoconiosis, and black lung,

A variety of organic or inorganic dusts   can directly cause lung diseases either through direct inhalation or due to allergy. This occurs frequently in certain occupations involving chronic inhalation of the dust or fumes or spores or allergy to them.

Farmers working for long times in the fields, mine workers, those handling birds, workers in textile mills, all these are at high risk of developing these diseases which are called as a group, "occupational lung diseases”.

The sources of the disease are many. It can be exposure to mouldy hay, straw or grains, droppings of birds or mouldy cheese or other kinds of fungal growth, producing allergy.

Chronic lung airways disease can be produced by long time inhalation of dust of coal, asbestos, etc. in the mines. Stone quarry workers are also at similar risk of developing chronic lung diseases.

Whatever the source of the disease, it gradually produces a chronic permanent damage to the lungs in more than one ways, thus incapacitating the person for physical work.

In the early stages, there are symptoms of headache, muscle pains, dry cough and breathlessness whenever the person is exposed to the offending substance.

It has been aptly said to be a, "Monday morning sickness”, to describe the sickness which keeps away on week ends to return on weekdays.

But in the later stages as damage to the lung airways and parenchyma sets in, symptoms become chronic. The affected person gets breathless on exertion.

The amount of exertion producing shortness of breath becomes less and less to the extent that one becomes breathless even on sitting down or resting.

Breathlessness is often accompanied by cough which becomes chronic and troublesome. It is accompanied by mild or moderate mucoid expectoration.

There is closure of the airways and alveoli (air sacs), permanently in contrast to bronchial asthma, wherein after the offending allergy producing substance is removed, airways open up and the person gets relief.

There is damage to the lung tissue in patches or whole and they are replaced by fibrous tissue. This impedes good ventilation which further contributes to the breathlessness and suffering.

The problems are further aggravated by smoking, which also contributes to inhalation of fumes and carbon. Occupational history of the affected person, a high degree of suspicion, X-ray chest and lung function tests help to determine the diagnosis.

These people are more prone to develop infections in the lungs like pneumonias and tuberculosis. Such chronic lung disease can also predispose to cancer of the lung, particularly in those working with asbestos.

Thus these poor people are caught in a vicious never ending trap. They start this work to meet their daily bread, develop a chronic illness due to the work which robs them of their capacity to work.

They may loose their jobs or be able to do very little thus earning very little in turn. Result is, spending rest of their lives in chronic suffering, physical, financial and mental as well.

Once a worker develops a chronic occupational lung disease, there is no total cure available for this condition. Bronchodilators are not of much use for the breathlessness.

Antibiotics can take care only of the infection if any, but not of the damage to lungs. Steroids may provide some relief in the symptoms. But when used for long time tends to produce undesirable side effects.

The best management of occupational lung diseases lies in prevention. As most of the affected people are poor illiterate workers, they should be given information of these diseases by responsible members of the society like their employers, supervisors and doctors.

They should be advised to keep their mouths and noses covered while working. Abstinence from smoking and alcohol and good personal hygiene are very important measures to keep lungs healthy.

Good nutritious food also aids in building up the resistance of an individual. Breathing exercises are very helpful in maintaining good lung function in face of damage to lung tissue.

When symptoms of the disease develop, they should be treated at the earliest and due precautions then observed. This may help to prevent further progression of the illness.

With, "May day”, just across the corner it is a reminder for all concerned that they should try to help in prevention of occupational lung diseases.

Then only the people who grow food for us, who weave our clothes or dig out precious metals from below the earth, can remain healthy and more productive.
