The ‘bad boys’ teen girls should never date

It’s easy to identify a dude with a “bad boy” tag all over him. Not that it’s written on him but his attitude and demeanor sell him off. The first thing you notice is the way he strides across the room, with a bounce and swag that would make rapper 50 Cent envious of him.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Tatoos are usually associated with the bad boy image. Net photo.

It’s easy to identify a dude with a "bad boy” tag all over him. Not that it’s written on him but his attitude and demeanor sell him off. The first thing you notice is the way he strides across the room, with a bounce and swag that would make rapper 50 Cent envious of him.

His confidence is unmatched. As soon as he walks around you (whether at school, home, or on the streets), you start blushing, shaking and developing goose-pimples on a seriously hot day! These "bad boys” have it all; charm, humour, knows where to take a lady and is good with his words. But that’s just on the outside - on the inside, he is immature, irresponsible and inconsistent. He will run if you talk about a long term relationship. They just want to use the girl and are off to their next conquest. Here are the types of guys that teenage girls should steer clear of.The Player - They live for the thrill of chasing women. They can never stay with one woman or date one girl at a time. They live to conquer as many girls as possible in order to feel worthwhile. In most cases, they suffer from low self-esteem and need women to boost their ego. It is one of the ways that makes them feel confident but after getting the girl they disappear. The Scrub - Back in the 90’s, TLC (an all girl-group) sang "No Scrubs” for all those men who are good for nothing. They seek attention and want to be pampered. They never really do anything constructive save for wait for their girlfriends to do it for them. The Womanizer - The difference between a player and a womanizer is that a womanizer enjoys hurting women emotionally. He doesn’t respect his lady, and will chase after other women even in her presence, a player will try his best to conceal his delinquency. This one doesn’t care about anyone but himself and might humiliate you in public just to show off. The Beater His word is final. Any argument ends in belittling woman too the point of black eyes and lost teeth. He demonstrates his power with his fist. Stay away from these guys and look for guys who can add value to your life - not take it away from you.