Compassion International in education campaigns

  EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — A Christian Church organisation, Compassion International is training their project implementers on children curriculum as part of their education campaign.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


RWAMAGANA — A Christian Church organisation, Compassion International is training their project implementers on children curriculum as part of their education campaign.

On Tuesday the charity organisation conducted two-day training for about 100 members of their staff at AVEGA center in Rwamagana.

"The training would be helpful in the implementation of extra curricula studies meant for compassion sponsored children," Etienne Mugema Muhoza, a programme organizer said of the training.

"The trainees are directly involved in the implementation of extra curricula studies because they are the ones who provide guidance to compassion-supported children. We train them for the benefit of our children," Muhoza told The New Times.

He explained that similar training had been conducted in Kigali city and other provinces where compassion operates. The charity organisation runs 156 projects operating under different church denominations across Rwanda. Muhoza said the organisation works on four pillars of spiritual, physical, social and cognitive child development.

Richard Mulisa, another official in charge of curriculum training noted that their programme implementers are expected to foster social-economic transformation of a child.

According to Mulisa, the participants learnt compassion curriculum, Christian world view, classroom management and child holistic development among other things. Compassion International started in Korea in 1952 and started its operation in Rwanda in 1982. It helps over 45,000 vulnerable children and their families in Rwanda.
