Respect housemaids

  Dear editor, It is noted with sheer disgust, to find that some homes here in Rwanda, with their Christian portrayal, shamelessly treat house maids with untold contempt and disrespect.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dear editor,

It is noted with sheer disgust, to find that some homes here in Rwanda, with their Christian portrayal, shamelessly treat house maids with untold contempt and disrespect.

This is a terrible mistake given the crucial role played by these people at home of caring and feeding the whole family. It is unimaginable to see how people mistreat those who prepare and serve them food. Suppose one maid goes angry and poisons you all. Stop being so myopic and come to your senses, for your own good.

It is really absurd that these so important people, who cook our food, look after the babies when we out for work, lock the doors before we sleep; are underrated on top of being paid very little money for their wages. However I cannot forget to thank those who treat them well for they exhibit good understanding.