Acquire self-discipline

Are you the kind that starts projects with such enthusiasm but then give up mid-way? Are you the type that easily yields to that inner voice telling you to quit in the middle of a challenge?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A positive attitude and self discipline are key factors to a succesful life . Net photo.

Are you the kind that starts projects with such enthusiasm but then give up mid-way? Are you the type that easily yields to that inner voice telling you to quit in the middle of a challenge? Since no venture has ever really materialised, giving up and feeling cursed follow suit. It is sad to think that some people quit when the aroma of success is just around the corner. Practically, this is how success continues to evade an individual.Maybe it’s the reason you are always crestfallen; walking around feeling like the word "LOSER” is painted on your fore-head; and your friends do not make things any better because no one wants to associate with a failure.And so you blame everything and everyone for your fate. You presume that the solution to your problem cannot be found anywhere in the world and even if it were; you’d need a scientist to help figure it out. If you are like this then inhale deeply and worry not. The solution to your problem is not that complex - it’s nothing far from a weakness you can strengthen. All you need is to master the art of self discipline, and your troubles will be laid to rest.The dictionary definition of self-discipline is - training and controlling one’s conduct or thoughts for self-improvement purposes. It’s also defined as the correction and regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.In other words, self-discipline is that inner force of restraint that pops–up when you are on the brink of falling prey to temptation. It’s that invisible strength of control that surfaces when you are about to break a healthy diet consisting of fiber foods, fruits and vegetables with the rather tasty but junk stuff.  It’s that moment when you decide to hit the sidewalks of the streets for a jog when you would rather curl up in the sofa and watch T.V. Can you keep your cool when faced with an annoying situation or can you endure hours of a long queue at the bank, completely rejecting the temptation to skip it?  Can you avoid spending lavishly even with too much money at your disposal? If the answer is yes, then you without a doubt have a great measure of self-discipline. Frankly speaking, developing self discipline is not an easy thing; it takes a lot of courage, patience, willpower, sacrifice and commitment. You need a warrior’s attitude to get it landed otherwise you will struggle forever but never achieve it. The good news though is, self-discipline is not an inborn character; it’s as acquirable as any other skill out there. With self discipline, one can succeed in anything anywhere in life. People who have made it big in life, for example, Bill gates and Warren Buffet, confess that they got to where they are now through exhibiting self –discipline in everything they did. Sometimes it’s necessary to know that life is not just about seeking pleasure, we have to go through bitter experiences to get the things we desire and self-discipline becomes our passport therefore. It’s better to suffer the pain of discipline than the pain of regret.