Impeccable decision by ICTR

Dear editor, As I was perusing through the NewTimes of Thursday, I got overwhelmed by the decision reached by ICTR about bringing the genocide convicts back home to face their charges domestically.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dear editor,

As I was perusing through the NewTimes of Thursday, I got overwhelmed by the decision reached by ICTR about bringing the genocide convicts back home to face their charges domestically.

This has been long a waited. Let them be tried in the crime environs and come face to face with the context that vividly reminds them of their gruesome activities.

This will also avail an opportunity for them to seek forgiveness from the victims of their crimes. Perhaps they will also exhibit remorse to the victims.

I therefore call upon the entire public to accommodate them, so that they face their charges here at home. Hope every one knows the importance of trying the genocide suspects as far as unity and reconciliation is concerned in Rwanda.
