Bravo to our police force

Dear editor, Bravo to our police force to have significantly reduced cases of robbery case within a short period of time. This shows that our police, if they put their hearts and souls into their work, can do wonders and can be as professional as other forces.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dear editor,

Bravo to our police force to have significantly reduced cases of robbery case within a short period of time. This shows that our police, if they put their hearts and souls into their work, can do wonders and can be as professional as other forces.

Many people, including myself, have been very critical of our police force. Crime rates had gone up over the past years and enforcement was seen to be very weak. Then there were so many stories from friends about many instances of corruption and bribery.

However, I really hope that more will be done, to aid our police gain much glory and the confidence of the people.

The police force is being reformed, that is without doubt. We can see more patrols cars doing their rounds in homesteads and more police presence in the streets. This particular case, where two security guards were brutally killed at the memorial site has sent a shock wave through the community.

But the quick arrest of the situation has reassured the people that our Police can be efficient. It all boils down to work attitude and the striving for excellence and of course good training and good leadership.

I hope this is the beginning of better things to come. It is important for ordinary citizens to be able to walk on the streets with a peace of mind. Security issue is one of the most important concerns in our lives and a good police force will be appreciated by everyone.

It is my opinion that the government should review the salary of the police, especially the salary of the constables and the lower ranking officers. The salary they are getting is too little, a pittance which is not enough to lead a decent life in the towns especially.

To get good results, we must be willing to pay more.
