27 lawyers called to the Bar

KIGALI - Twenty-seven lawyers were Thursday officially accepted into the Kigali Bar Association. The swearing in ceremony was held at the chambers of the High Court in Nyamirambo and presided over by Johnston Busingye, president of the court. This brings the number of practicing lawyers in the organization to 407.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Justice Busingye (seated) congratulates Mitali Calvin upon taking the oath of office at the High Court offices in Nyamirambo, Kigali on Wednesday. (Photo/J. Mbanda).

KIGALI - Twenty-seven lawyers were Thursday officially accepted into the Kigali Bar Association. The swearing in ceremony was held at the chambers of the High Court in Nyamirambo and presided over by Johnston Busingye, president of the court. This brings the number of practicing lawyers in the organization to 407.

"We are impressed to see the bar getting stronger,” Busingye said. He urged lawyers to ensure that the profession remains honourable by respecting the code of conduct to which all lawyers are bound. He said that the knowledge of the laws, being a member of the bar, was not enough.

"Respect for the profession comes from those who practice it by embracing independence, being persons of integrity, and having respect for the truth,” he said. He added that anyone who goes against this is a disgrace to the profession.

"You have the responsibility to inform the public what you do, the way you do it, as well as the decisions taken and for what reasons so that you win their confidence,” the judge said. He as added that those in the Judiciary should be free from bias, corruption and sentiments.

Gashabana Gatera, the president of Kigali Bar Association said that the bar would continue to support the new lawyers to adapt to the new rules, principles and laws governing the Bar. He asked them to be devoted to their work and love it.
