Police step up crackdown on robbery
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
ACP Desire Gumira, the RPC central region addressing the Press conference in Kigali on 17 April 2023

Rwanda National Police (RNP) has intensified efforts to combat robbery and has arrested hundreds of youths suspected of involvement in these criminal activities.

Assistant Commissoner of Police (ACP) Desire Gumira, the Regional Police Commander central region, confirmed the arrests of youth aged between 20 and 30 years old.

According to police, at least 800 youths involved in robbery have been apprehended in the past two months in urban areas across the country, with a majority of them being in the City of Kigali.

ALSO READ: Who is robbing Kigali residents?

The crackdown comes in response to calls from citizens to address the rising cases of theft in the country. Many of the arrested youths were reported to have dropped out of school, while some had previously been through rehabilitation programs but relapsed into criminal behaviors upon reintegration into society.

Gumira emphasized the importance of timely reporting of suspected individuals and hotspots associated with robbery for swift intervention. He noted that the arrested youths were often found living in communities, in the homes of people or neighbors, and highlighted their lack of legitimate means of income despite indulging in excessive spending on alcohol or rent.

"We should question them where they get money to drink alcohol or rent yet they do not work to earn money. That is the primary action to suspect them,” he said.

ALSO READ: Police recover dozens of stolen items in Kigali

Gumira further assured the public that the police and other security personnel are actively monitoring and tracking hotspots of youth involvement in theft, and encouraged the media to play a role in sharing information about such areas.

The RNP spokesperson, Commissioner of Police John Bosco Kabera, reiterated the commitment of the police to address theft and other lawlessness, and called for collaboration and timely information sharing from the public regarding suspected individuals and criminal rings.

"We reassure the public that the issue of theft is being addressed and the Police has increased its operations against it as well as all acts of lawlessness. It is the duty of the RNP to ensure the safety of people and their property," Kabera said.

He also urged the public to report any incidents of lawlessness to the nearest police station or through RNP communication and social media platforms for prompt response.

Kabera advised those involved in criminal activities to refrain from such behavior and instead engage in legal businesses, to avoid ending up in prison for avoidable reasons.

Under Rwandan law, theft is punishable by imprisonment for a term of not less than one (1) year and not more than two (2) years, and a fine of not less than Rwf1 million and not more than Rwf2 million, community service for a period of six (6) months, or a combination of these penalties.

The penalty is doubled if the theft was committed through burglary, climbing, or possession of stolen keys, if the theft was carried out during the night, or if the theft was committed by more than one (1) person.

Violent theft carries a penalty of imprisonment for between five and seven years, and a fine of between Rwf3 million and Rwf5 million.