The G finally lands

After what seemed like an everlasting delay, GTV is finally here and English Premier League fans at last have something to smile at.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

After what seemed like an everlasting delay, GTV is finally here and English Premier League fans at last have something to smile at.

GTV-Rwanda Limited doesn’t subscribe to the parent company Gateway Broadcasting [UK] but instead are the flag bearer for GTV Kenya in Rwanda.

And when they finally came, the first thing they promised was a good relationship with the local community giving back to the community, the company country manager said is part of their cooperate social responsibility.

Steven Baguma said, "There were a few hiccups in clearing these things [referring to equipment] but that has been worked on and now we are here for a long time.”

He however, was quick to clarify that, "But at the moment I can’t commit myself on exactly what we are going to do for Rwanda but we have a team coming here for the official launch, may be that’s when we shall agree of how to give back to the local community.”

The UK based satellite Television Company won the rights to show 80 percent of the English Premiership live matches— Dstv’s Supersport has the remaining 20 percent.

To have own a fully fledged package that includes Decoder, Dish, Accessories, Installation and three months subscription fee goes for a $478 [about Frw267,680].

GTV secured exclusive rights to broadcast top English Premier League matches in 48 sub-Saharan African countries in a three-year, multi-million dollar deal that will enable the Premier League to realise huge growth potential for viewers in Africa.Ends