Why do women shy away from food?

I honestly can’t tell if it’s simply pretending not to like food or if it’s a genuine phobia for eating. I know a girl who when faced with the greatest of hunger, can’t put a fork in her mouth unless she is alone! When I asked her why, she said she hated people watching her eat.

Friday, January 27, 2012

I honestly can’t tell if it’s simply pretending not to like food or if it’s a genuine phobia for eating. I know a girl who when faced with the greatest of hunger, can’t put a fork in her mouth unless she is alone! When I asked her why, she said she hated people watching her eat. She feels more relaxed eating alone and that is in the solace of her own home.

Most women, however, find it easier to eat with their fellow girls than they do with boys. Tanya 21, living in Gikondo admits that boys make her nervous.

"I don’t know what it is but every time a boy comes around when I’m eating, I suddenly stop. I get these butterflies in my stomach and the strangest part is that it doesn’t matter whether it is a boy I like or not. Some girls shy away from boys they like and hate eating around them,” she says.

Some people with social anxiety disorder have a fear of eating or drinking in front of others. It’s probably the fear of shaking while eating or spilling your food or drink, among other things. Personally, as a child, food and I were never friends but as the years went by, we became indissoluble. I cannot visualize the person who will ever make me shy away from brochette!

Maybe this explains why women who go out for dinner dates never eat! I don’t know what is more annoying; a woman who accepts to go out for a dinner date then doesn’t eat or one who orders for food and eats only a fork or two! I mean why even bother to go out? Suggest something that doesn’t involve eating, say bowling for example.

I mean, if we weren’t meant to eat in public then there wouldn’t be any restaurants; as some think eating is a private thing. It’s not. So unless you eat like a baby dinosaur or chew obscenely, you have nothing to worry about.

"I hate eating in the presence of my boyfriend. I worry about the way I look when I eat and also getting food stuck  in my teeth. He always insists on having a conversation while he eats and I’m just so scared to talk lest there is food in my teeth. Now he thinks I’m anorexic,” says 24 year old Laura Mutetsi.

I am certain a lot of girls can relate to Laura’s ordeal.

Stacey from Kimihurura says her friend worries her; "She always turns down food when I’m around her. Her stomach will even growl over and over and yet she still won’t eat in front of me. I don’t understand it, it’s not like eating is a turnoff.” she says.

Ladies, it’s just food okay. No one will judge you for eating. It’s as normal as using the bathroom. You do not have to sit with a bunch of total strangers but at least the people closest to you should be able to enjoy a meal with you from time to time.

Guys, women and girls are not trying to starve themselves. Just don’t look at them when they eat. Focus on your plate ,okay?
