There   is a very old saying, passed on from one generation to another, “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.  Regarding wealth I do not know. But sleeping early and getting up early, definitely makes one healthy. By being healthy, a person can make better decisions and probably is considered wiser. This may also help him to work better, hence earn more money.

Friday, January 20, 2012
Nurses might work night shifts

There   is a very old saying, passed on from one generation to another, "early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

Regarding wealth I do not know. But sleeping early and getting up early, definitely makes one healthy. By being healthy, a person can make better decisions and probably is considered wiser. This may also help him to work better, hence earn more money.

Nature has intended the routine of man to be such that day time is fixed for working and night is for sleeping. Therefore an average person starts feeling tired as evening approaches. In the night time, vision is not clear as in the day.

But not all people respect such a routine. For some people, staying up late is mandatory. These are the people who work in night shifts in factories, hospitals, police, e.t.c. For some it is the best time to study. In case of some persons, they may have to stay awake till late in the night to finish a commitment.

But apart from these kinds of people, some simply sleep late after wasting their time on internet or watching movies or in pubs .Because they sleep late, they tend to get up late. Still they do not feel fresh because a man may sleep the whole day but would not feel as fresh as after a good night’s sleep.

A person waking late is more likely to miss breakfast. If he takes a late breakfast, he would skip lunch. Thus the overall intake of food is affected, compromising on the nutritional status of a person. This becomes more significant for teenagers because they mostly sleep late for various activities. Their growing body is more in need of balanced diet, which is not fulfilled due to getting up late.

Apart from the nutrition, bowel habits of an individual are also disturbed due to an altered sleep-wake cycle, hence reducing appetite and causing abdominal discomfort.

A person getting up late is mostly late for his work, wherever he may be working. If under duress, he does maintain time, he feels somnolent all day. This affects his performance in work.

In contrast, a person who is an early riser feels fresh throughout the day; he eats well and performs well in his work. Thus mostly he stays ahead of his peers in whichever field he may be working.

Sunlight is a source of energy for the body; it also supplies vitamin D to strengthen the bones. Infrared rays of the sun kill germs. One does not need any artificial light while working in the day.  Moreover the early morning sun is very pleasant. It does not feel harsh to the body as the afternoon sun. One can exercise as much as he desires in the morning. A late riser misses these benefits of sunlight.

Early morning is also said to be an ideal time for doing something needing concentration as preparing for exams. Because, at this time, one’s   mind is naturally fresh and stimulated and hence can grasp more.

Nature is at its best in the morning. A good light, birds chirping, animals frolicking around happily, it is as if the entire universe is awake and active. Man also needs to join them.

People who habitually get up late in the morning should try to get up early one day and move around. They will never feel like sleeping till late in future.

The working hours set by Government of Rwanda are appreciable. Starting work early compels people to wake up early thus maintaining a healthy routine. This automatically keeps people healthy in mind and body.

Dr. Rachna Pande