Tax evasion hampers economic growth

Editor, ALLOW me through your newspaper to react to a story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled “Tax body unearths evasion scam”.

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Evading taxes hamper economic growth. The New Times/File.


ALLOW me through your newspaper to react to a story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled "Tax body unearths evasion scam”. In the recent past, tax evasion, especially among the country’s traders, has become an oft-mentioned subject.

As a business person, it is disturbing to learn that tax evasion lingers. If Rwanda Revenue Authority may have projected to collect a certain amount of revenue but failed to attain the said targets due to tax evasion, this would have ripple effects on the whole economy.

It means that the government would have to borrow more from the donors to put up roads, equip hospitals and schools, and educate our children among other things, thus putting us in a very susceptible position.

There is therefore need for RRA, police and all stakeholders to work together to set up mechanisms in order to stamp out the practice once and for all.  

Gasana Murenzi